Markov Chains with Applications to Unemployment and Asset Pricing

Undergraduate Computational Macro

Jesse Perla

University of British Columbia



  • Here we will introduce Markov Chains as a Markovian stochastic process over a discrete number of states
    • These are useful in their own right, but are also a powerful tool if you discretize a continuous-state stochastic process
  • Using these, we will apply these to
    • Introduce a simple model of unemployment and employment dynamics
    • Risk-neutral asset pricing
  • In a future lecture these for more advanced asset-pricing examples including option-pricing and to explore risk-aversion


using LinearAlgebra, Statistics, Distributions
using Plots.PlotMeasures, Plots, QuantEcon, Random
using StatsPlots, LaTeXStrings, NLsolve
default(;legendfontsize=16, linewidth=2, tickfontsize=12,

Markov Chains

Discrete States

  • Consider a set of \(N\) possible states of the world
  • Markov chain: a sequence of random variables \(\{X_t\}\) on \(\{x_1, \ldots, x_N\}\) with the Markov property \[ \mathbb P ( X_{t+1} = x \,|\, X_t ) = \mathbb P ( X_{t+1} = x \,|\, X_t, X_{t-1}, \ldots ) \]
  • It will turn out that all Markov stochastic processes with a discrete number of states are Markov Chains and can be summarize by a transition matrix

Transition Matrix

  • Summarize into a \(P\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N}\) transition matrix where \[ P_{ij} \equiv \mathbb P ( X_{t+1} = x_j \,|\, X_t = x_i ),\quad \text{ for }i=1,\ldots N, j=1,\ldots N \]
  • Each row is a probability distribution for the next state (\(j\)) conditional on the current one (\(i\))
    • Hence \(P_{ij}\geq 0\) and \(\sum_{j=1}^N P_{ij} = 1\) for all \(i\)
  • The ordering of the matrix or states \(x_1, \ldots x_N\) is arbitrary, but you need to be consistent!

Example: Unemployed and Employed

G E E E->E 1-α U U E->U α U->E λ U->U 1-λ

  • \(\alpha\): probability of moving from employed to unemployed
  • \(\lambda\): probability of moving from unemployed to employed
  • \(\mathbb{P}(X_{t+1} = U \,|\, X_t = E) = \alpha\), etc.
  • Summarize as Transition Matrix \[ P \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 1-\alpha & \alpha\\ \lambda & 1-\lambda \end{bmatrix} \]

Example: Recessions Transitions

G N N N->N 0.971 M M N->M 0.029 M->N 0.145 M->M 0.778 S S M->S 0.077 S->N 0.508 S->S 0.492

  • States (ordered consistently):
    • \(N\): Normal Growth, \(M\): Mild Recession, \(S\): Severe Recession
  • Transitions empirically estimated in Hamilton 2005 \[ P \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 0.971 & 0.029 & 0 \\ 0.145 & 0.778 & 0.077 \\ 0 & 0.508 & 0.492 \end{bmatrix} \]

Discrete RVs

probs = [0.6, 0.4]
@show sum(probs)  1
d = Categorical(probs)
@show d
draws = rand(d, 4)
@show draws
# Assign associated with indices
G = [5, 20]
# access by index
@show G[draws];
sum(probs) ≈ 1 = true
d = Categorical{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(support=Base.OneTo(2), p=[0.6, 0.4])
draws = [2, 1, 1, 1]
G[draws] = [20, 5, 5, 5]

Simulating Markov Chains

function simulate_markov_chain(P, X_0, T)
    N = size(P, 1)
    num_chains = length(X_0)
    P_dist = [Categorical(P[i, :])
              for i in 1:N]
    X = zeros(Int, num_chains, T+1)
    X[:, 1] .= X_0
    for t in 1:T
        for n in 1:num_chains
            X[n, t+1] = rand(P_dist[X[n, t]])
    return X
  • Create Categorical per row
  • One chain for each X_0
  • Simulate for each chain by:
    • Save current index
    • Use index to choose row
    • Draw the new index according to that distribution

Simulating Unemployment and Employment

alpha, lambda = 0.3, 0.6
P = [1-alpha alpha; lambda 1-lambda]
G = [100000.00, 20000.00]
X_0 = ones(Int, 100)  # 100 people employed
T = 60
X = simulate_markov_chain(P, X_0, T)
X_values = G[X]  # just indexes by the X
X_mean = mean(X_values;dims=1)
plot(0:T, X_mean', xlabel="t",
     legend=:bottomright, label="Mean Income",
     size=(600, 400))
hline!([G[1]]; label=L"x_E", linestyle=:dash)
hline!([G[2]]; label=L"x_U", linestyle=:dash)

Distribution of Future Wages

unique_values = unique(X_values)
counts = [sum(X_values[:, t] .== val) for
          val in unique_values, t in 1:T]
# Create the stacked bar chart
groupedbar(1:T, counts';
           bar_position = :stack,
           xlabel="t", ylabel="Count",
           label = [L"x_E" L"x_U"],
           size=(600, 400))

Simulating with QuantEcon packages

alpha, lambda = 0.3, 0.6
P = [1-alpha alpha; lambda 1-lambda]
mc = MarkovChain(P)
T = 1000
init=1 # initial condition
# using QuantEcon.jl
X = simulate(mc, T;init)
prop_E = sum(X .== 1)/length(X)
println("Prop in E = $prop_E");
Prop in E = 0.69

Transitions and Expectations

Probability Mass Functions (PMF)

  • Let the PMF of \(X_t\) be given by a row vector \[ \pi_t \equiv \begin{bmatrix}\mathbb{P}(X_t = x_1) &\ldots & \mathbb{P}(X_t = x_N)\end{bmatrix} \]
    • \(\pi_{ti}\geq 0\) for all \(i=1,\ldots N\) and \(\sum_{i=1}^N \pi_{ti} = 1\)
    • Using \(\pi_t\) a row vector for convenience
  • If the initial state is known at \(t=0\) then \(\pi_0\) might be degenerate
    • e.g., if \(\mathbb{P}(X_0 = E) = 1\) then \(\pi_0 = \begin{bmatrix}1 & 0\end{bmatrix}\)

Conditional Forecasts

  • Many macro questions involve: \(\mathbb{P}(X_{t+j} = x_i | X_t = x_j)\) etc.

  • The transition matrix makes it very easy to forecast the evolution of the distribution. Without proof, given \(\pi_t\) initial condition

    \[ \begin{bmatrix}\mathbb{P}(X_{t+1} = x_1) &\ldots & \mathbb{P}(X_{t+1} = x_N)\end{bmatrix} \equiv \pi_{t+1} = \pi_t P \]

  • Inductively: for the matrix power (i.e. \(P \times P\times \ldots P\), not pointwise)

    \[ \begin{bmatrix}\mathbb{P}(X_{t+j} = x_1) &\ldots & \mathbb{P}(X_{t+j} = x_N)\end{bmatrix} \equiv \pi_{t+j} = \pi_t P^j \]

Conditional Expectations

  • Given the conditional probabilities, expectations are easy

  • Now assign \(X_t\) as a random variable with values \(x_1, \ldots x_N\) and pmf \(\pi_t\)

  • Define \(G \equiv \begin{bmatrix}x_1 & \ldots & x_N\end{bmatrix}\)

  • From definition of conditional expectations, where \(X_t\sim \mu_t\)

    \[ \mathbb{E}[X_{t+j} \,|\, X_t] = \sum_{i=1}^N x_i \pi_{t+j,i} = G \cdot (\pi_t P^j) = G (\pi_t P^j)^{\top} \]

  • This works for enormous numbers of states \(N\), as long as \(P\) is sparse (i.e., the number of elements of \(P\) is significant)

Example: Expected Income

  • Define incomes in E and U states as
    • \(G \equiv \begin{bmatrix}100,000 & 20,000\end{bmatrix}\)
    • Maintain \(\mathbb{P}(X_0 = E) = 1\), or \(\pi_0 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\)
  • Expected income in 20 periods is then

\[ \mathbb{E}[X_{20} \,|\, X_0 = x_E] = G \cdot (\pi_0 P^{20}) \]

Reminder: PDV for Linear State Space Models

  • If \(x_{t+1} = A x_t + C w_{t+1}\) and \(y_t = G x_t\) then, \[ \begin{aligned} p(x_t) &= \mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \beta^j y_{t+j} \big| x_t\right]\\ &= G (I - \beta A)^{-1} x_t \end{aligned} \]
  • Relabel Markov Chains to match the algebra: \(x \equiv \pi^{\top}, A \equiv P^{\top}, C=0\)

Expected Present Discounted Value

  • Consider an asset with period payoffs in \(x_1,\ldots x_N\) with transitions according to \(P\)
  • Risk-neutral expected present discounted value(EPDV) \[ \begin{aligned} p(X_t) &= \mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{j=0}^N \beta^j X_{t+j}\,\big|\,X_t\right]\\ &= \sum_{j=0}^N \beta^j \underbrace{\mathbb{E}\left[X_{t+j}\,\big|\,X_t\right]}_{ =G\left(\pi_t P^j\right)^{\top}}\\ &= G(I - \beta P^{\top})^{-1} \pi_t^{\top} \end{aligned} \]
    • Note the connection to the LSS

Stationarity and Ergodicity

Stationary Distribution

  • Take some \(X_t\) initial condition, does this converge?

    \[ \lim_{j\to\infty} X_{t+j}\,|\,X_t = \lim_{j\to\infty} \pi_t \cdot P^j = \pi_{\infty}? \]

    • Does it exist? Is it unique?
  • How does it compare to fixed point below, i.e. does \(\pi^{*} = \pi_{\infty}\) for all \(X_t\)?

    \[ \pi^{*} = \pi^{*} \cdot P \]

    • This is the eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue of \(1\) of \(P^{\top}\)
    • Can prove there is always at least one. If more than one, multiplicity

Stochastic Matrices

  • \(P\) is a stochastic matrix if
    • \(\sum_{j=1}^N P_{ij} = 1\) for all \(i\), e.g. rows are conditional distributions
  • Key Properties:
    • One (or more) eigenvalue of \(1\) with associated left-eigenvector \(\pi\) \[ \pi P = \pi \]
    • Equivalently the right eigenvector with eigenvalue \(=1\) \[ P^{\top}\pi^{\top} = 1 \times \pi^{\top} \]
    • Where we can normalize to \(\sum_{n=1}^N \pi_i = 1\)

Calculating Stationary Distributions

  • Compare the steady states
    • Left-eigenvector: \(\pi^{*} = \pi^{*} P\) (calculate with right-eigenvector \(1\times \pi^{*\top} = P^{\top}\pi^{*\top}\))
    • Limiting distribution: \(\lim_{T\to\infty}\pi_0 P^T\)
  • Can show that the stationary distribution is \(\pi^{*} = \begin{bmatrix}\frac{\lambda}{\alpha+\lambda} & \frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\lambda}\end{bmatrix}\)
eigvals, eigvecs = eigen(P')
index = findfirst(x -> isapprox(x, 1), eigvals)
pi_star = real.(vec(eigvecs[:, index]))
pi_star = pi_star / sum(pi_star)
pi_0 = [1.0, 0.0]
pi_inf = pi_0' * (P^100) # \approx infty?
println("pi_star = ", pi_star)
println("pi_inf = ", pi_inf);
pi_star = [0.6666666666666666, 0.3333333333333333]
pi_inf = [0.6666666666666629 0.33333333333333154]

Communicating States

  • Consider two states \(X_i\) and \(X_j\) ordered by indices \(i\) and \(j\) in \(P\),

  • If it is possible to move from \(X_i\) to \(X_j\) in a finite number of steps, the states are said to communicate

  • Formally, \(X_i\) and \(Y_j\) communicate if there exist \(l\) and \(m\) such that

    \[ P^l_{ij} > 0 \quad \text{and} \quad P^m_{ji} > 0 \]

    • Consider transition probabilities to see why this implies communication


  • A Markov chain is irreducible if all states communicate with each other
  • Calculated in practice with tools such as strongly connected components from Graph Theory
mc = MarkovChain(P)
@show is_irreducible(mc);
is_irreducible(mc) = true

Example: Not-Irreducible

G A A A->A 0.4 B B A->B 0.4 C C A->C 0.2 B->A 0.6 B->B 0.4 C->C 0.4 D D C->D 0.6 D->C 0.6 D->D 0.4

P2 = [0.4 0.4 0.2 0.0;
     0.6 0.4 0.0 0.0;
     0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6;
     0.0 0.0 0.6 0.4]
mc2 = MarkovChain(P2)
@show is_irreducible(mc2);
is_irreducible(mc2) = false


  • Loosely speaking, a Markov chain is called periodic if it cycles in a predictable way, and aperiodic otherwise
  • See here for more details
    • The “period” is the greatest common divisor of the set of times at which the chain can return to a state
mc = MarkovChain(P)
@show is_aperiodic(mc);
is_aperiodic(mc) = true

Example: Aperiodic

G A A B B A->B 1.0 C C B->C 1.0 C->A 1.0

P3 = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 0]
mc3 = MarkovChain(P3)
@show is_aperiodic(mc3);
is_aperiodic(mc3) = false

Theorems for Stationarity

  • Theorem Every stochastic matrix \(P\) has at least one stationary distribution.
  • Theorem If \(P\) is irreducible and aperiodic then
    • it has a unique stationary distribution \(\pi^{*}\)
    • for any initial distribution \(\pi_0\), \(\lim_{T\to\infty}\pi_0 P^T = \pi^{*}\)
    • \(P_{ij} > 0\) for all \(i,j\) is a sufficient condition
    • it is ergodic. With \(\mathbb{1}\{\cdot\}\) the indicator function \[ \lim_{T\to\infty} \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \mathbb{1}\{X_t = x_i\} = \pi^{*}_i, \quad \text{for all }i \]


  • These is the same sense of ergodicity we discussed before
alpha, lambda = 0.3, 0.6
P = [1-alpha alpha; lambda 1-lambda]
mc = MarkovChain(P)
pi_star = stationary_distributions(mc)[1]
T = 1000
X = simulate(mc, T;init)
prop_E_t = cumsum(X.==1)./(1:length(X))
plot(1:T, prop_E_t, xlabel="t",
 label=L"\frac{1}{t}\sum_{s=0}^t \mathbb{1}\{X_s = E\}",
 size=(600, 400))
hline!([pi_star[1]]; label=L"\pi^{*}_E",

Discretizing Continuous State Processes


  • Unless continuous variables are easily summarized by a finite number of parameters or statistics, we will need to convert continuous functions and stochastic processes into discrete ones.
  • Hence, to implement many algorithms, it is useful to model decisions with a finite number of states
    • If the natural stochastic process is discrete, then no problem
    • Otherwise, you can discretize the continuous time process into \(N\) states
    • Try to ensure crucial statistics are preserved
    • \(N\) might be very large!

AR(1) Transition Probabilities

e.g. \(X_{t+1} = \rho X_t + \sigma w_{t+1}\) using Tauchen’s Method

N = 50 # number of nodes
rho = 0.8
sigma = 0.25
mc = tauchen(N, rho, sigma)
X_vals = mc.state_values
heatmap(X_vals, X_vals, mc.p;
        title="Transition Probabilities",
        size=(600, 400))


T = 100
X = simulate(mc, T;init=1)
plot(X, xlabel=L"t", label=L"X_t",
     alpha = 0.3, size=(600, 400))


T = 100
num_chains = 50
plt = plot(;ylabel=L"X_t", xlabel=L"t",
           size=(600, 400), legend=false)
for i in 1:num_chains
    X = simulate(mc, T;init=1)
    plot!(X; alpha = 0.1, color=:blue)

Lake Model of Unemployment and Employment

Individual Worker

  • Consider a worker who can be either employed (\(E\)) or unemployed (\(U\)), following our previous markov chain
  • Assign the value of \(0\) if unemployed and \(1\) if employed
  • Lets calculate the cumulative proportion of their time employed

Reminder on Long-Run

  • What is the probability in the distant future of being employed?
  • Note ergodic interpretation!
lambda = 0.283
alpha = 0.013
T = 5000
# order U, E
P = [1-lambda lambda; alpha 1-alpha]
mc = MarkovChain(P)
@show stationary_distributions(mc)[1]
eigvals, eigvecs = eigen(P')
index = findfirst(x -> isapprox(x, 1), eigvals)
pi_star = real.(vec(eigvecs[:, index]))
pi_star = pi_star / sum(pi_star)
@show pi_star;
(stationary_distributions(mc))[1] = [0.043918918918918914, 0.956081081081081]
pi_star = [0.04391891891891895, 0.9560810810810811]

Cumulative Employment

mc = MarkovChain(P, [0; 1])  # U -> 0, E -> 1
s_path = simulate(mc, T; init = 2)
u_bar, e_bar = stationary_distributions(mc)[1]
# Note mapping in MarkovChain
s_bar_e = cumsum(s_path) ./ (1:T)
s_bar_u = 1 .- s_bar_e
s_bars = [s_bar_u s_bar_e]
plot(title = "Percent of time unemployed",
 1:T, s_bars[:, 1], lw = 2,
 label=L"\frac{1}{t}\sum_{s=0}^t \mathbb{1}\{X_s = U\}",
 legend=:topright, size=(600, 400))
hline!([u_bar], linestyle = :dash,
       label = L"\pi^{*}_U")

Many Workers

  • Consider if an entire economy is populated by workers of these types
  • With approximately a continuum of agents of this type, can we interpret the statistical distribution of the states as a fraction in the distribution?
  • This is a key trick used throughout macro, but is subtle
  • We will assume a continuum of agents, but add in:
    • A proportion \(d\) die each period
    • A proportion \(b\) are born each period (into the \(U\) state)
    • Define \(g\equiv b-d\), the net growth rate


  • To track distributions, a tight connection to the “adjoint” of the stochastic process for the Markov Chain

  • Instead, building it directly from flows, define

    • \(E_t\), the total number of employed workers at date \(t\)
    • \(U_t\), the total number of unemployed workers at \(t\)
    • \(N_t\), the number of workers in the labor force at \(t\)
    • The employment rate \(e_t \equiv E_t/N_t\).
    • The unemployment rate \(u_t \equiv U_t/N_t\).

Laws of Motion for Stock Variables

  • Of the mass of workers \(E_t\) who are employed at date \(t\),

    • \((1-d)E_t\) remain in \(N_t\), and \((1-\alpha)(1-d)E_t\) remain in \(E_t\)

    \[ E_{t+1} = (1-d)(1-\alpha)E_t + (1-d)\lambda U_t \]

  • Of the mass of workers \(U_t\) workers who are currently unemployed,

    • \((1-d)U_t\) will remain in \(N_t\) and \((1-d) \lambda U_t\) enter \(E_t\)

    \[ U_{t+1} = (1-d)\alpha E_t + (1-d)(1-\lambda)U_t + b (E_t+U_t) \]

  • The total stock of workers \(N_t=E_t+U_t\) evolves as

    \[ N_{t+1} = (1+b-d)N_t = (1+g)N_t \]


  • Letting \(X_t \equiv \begin{bmatrix}U_t\\E_t\end{bmatrix}\), the law of motion for \(X\) is

    \[ X_{t+1} = \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} (1-d)(1-\lambda) + b & (1-d)\alpha + b \\ (1-d)\lambda & (1-d)(1-\alpha) \end{bmatrix}}_{\equiv A} X_t \]

    • Note: \(A = (1-d) P^{\top} + \begin{bmatrix}b & b\\0 & 0\end{bmatrix}\)
    • Take a class in stochastic processes!

Laws of Motion for Rates

  • Define \(x_t \equiv \begin{bmatrix}u_t\\e_t\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}U_t/N_t\\E_t/N_t\end{bmatrix}\)

  • Divide both sides of \(X_{t+1} = A X_t\) by \(N_{t+1}\) and simplify to get \[ x_{t+1} = \underbrace{\frac{1}{1 + g} A}_{\equiv \hat{A}} x_t \]

    • You can check that \(e_t + u_t = 1\) implies that \(e_{t+1}+u_{t+1} = 1\)

Longrun Distribution

  • To find the long-run distribution of employment rates note, \[ x^{*} = \hat{A} x^{*} = h(x^{*}) \]
    • So could ,find a fixed point of \(h(\cdot)\)
    • Or solve an eigenvalue problem.
  • Note that if \(g \neq 0\), there is no fixed point of \(X_{t+1} = A X_t\)

Reminder: Simple Function Iteration

function iterate_map(f, x0, T)
    x = zeros(length(x0), T + 1)
    x[:, 1] = x0
    for t in 2:(T + 1)
        x[:, t] = f(x[:, t - 1])
    return x

Implementation of a Lake Model

function lake_model(; lambda = 0.283, alpha = 0.013, b = 0.0124, d = 0.00822)
    g = b - d
    A = [(1 - lambda) * (1 - d)+b (1 - d) * alpha+b
         (1 - d)*lambda (1 - d)*(1 - alpha)]
    A_hat = A ./ (1 + g)
    x_0 = ones(size(A_hat, 1)) / size(A_hat, 1)
    sol = fixedpoint(x -> A_hat * x, x_0)
    converged(sol) || error("Failed to converge in $(sol.iterations) iter")    
    return (; lambda, alpha, b, d, A, A_hat, x_bar)

Aggregate Dynamics

lm = lake_model()
N_0 = 150
e_0 = 0.92
u_0 = 1 - e_0
T = 50
U_0 = u_0 * N_0
E_0 = e_0 * N_0
X_0 = [U_0; E_0]
X_path = iterate_map(X -> lm.A * X, X_0, T - 1)
x1 = X_path[1, :]
x2 = X_path[2, :]
plt_unemp = plot(1:T, X_path[1, :]; color = :blue,
                 label = L"U_t", xlabel="t", title = "Unemployment")
plt_emp = plot(1:T, X_path[2, :]; color = :blue,
               label = L"E_t", xlabel="t", title = "Employment")
plot(plt_unemp, plt_emp, layout = (1, 2), size = (1200, 400))

Aggregate Dynamics

Transitions of Rates

u_bar, e_bar = lm.x_bar
x_0 = [u_0; e_0]
x_path = iterate_map(x -> lm.A_hat * x, x_0, T - 1)
plt_unemp = plot(1:T, x_path[1, :];title = "Unemployment rate", 
                 color = :blue, label = L"u_t")
hline!(plt_unemp, [u_bar], color = :red, linestyle = :dash, label = L"\pi^{*}_U")
plt_emp = plot(1:T, x_path[2, :]; title = "Employment rate", color = :blue, label = L"e_t")
hline!(plt_emp, [e_bar], color = :red, linestyle = :dash,label = L"\pi^{*}_E")
plot(plt_unemp, plt_emp, layout = (1, 2), size = (1200, 400))

Transitions of Rates